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Is Bulgur Wheat Good for Dieting

Why is bulgur wheat healthy? Benefits for our health from bulgur. Why should we consume bulgur every day and how does it affect our health?

What is bulgur and why should it be eaten more often?

Our elders often prepared bulgur, and today few people know what this term actually means. Making bulgur is a 4000-year-old process, which comes to our area from the Middle East.

Today it is an indispensable part of a healthy diet and is a great substitute for rice and pasta because it is more nutritious, healthier, and tastier.

Origin of the bulgur

The word bulgur is of Arabic origin and means boiled wheat (it can be of different types. The boiled wheat is then dried well and broken into pieces that can be of different sizes – finely, medium, or coarsely ground bulgur.

The crushed wheat is then easily digested because it has already been half-cooked. Bulgur is a whole grain that has been traditionally used for centuries in Turkey, throughout the Middle East region, but also throughout the Mediterranean region.

In addition, read the important reasons why we need to restore the habit of consuming this food.

Nutritional components of bulgur

Minerals present in bulgur: potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, and others.

Vitamins present in bulgur: vitamin C, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), vitamin B6, folate (natural B9), vitamin A, vitamin K, and others.

It can also offer us exceptional nutrition: a particularly rich source of complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and a range of micronutrients.

One cup of prepared bulgur (about 180g) contains the following ingredients:

  • 150 calories
  • 0.4g fat (negligible amount)
  • 33.8g of carbohydrates, of which 8.2g of fiber and 0.2g of sugars
  • 5.6g protein


The glycemic index of cooked bulgur is 46, which is considered to be quite low. Although rich in carbohydrates, it is rich in fiber, which makes bulgur easier to eat and slower to digest.


As we have seen, just one cup contains close to 6g of protein, which is quite a solid amount for a cereal.

Proteins are especially important macronutrients, necessary primarily for the structure of various cells, but also a number of other essential bodily functions.

Bulgur in small quantities contains all the essential amino acids.

Bulgur contains more B vitamins (primarily B3 and B6), and more minerals (in 180g):

  • Manganese – 60% of Daily Needs
  • Iron – 12% of RDI
  • Magnesium – 20% of RDI
  • Copper – 18% of RDI
  • Phosphorus – 20% of RDI
  • Zinc – 7% of RDI
  • Sodium 26% of RDI
  • Potassium – 5% of RDI
  • Selenium – 1% of RDI

Antioxidant components in the bulgur

Antioxidants are the body's defense mechanism against free radicals – harmful components that are constantly produced as metabolic waste in the body and oxidatively damage its various cells and tissues.why is bulgur wheat healthy

The body has mechanisms to produce a certain percentage of necessary antioxidants, but it still depends on the intake.

Permanent oxidative damage leads to processes of chronic inflammation or inflammation. Such inflammation, in the long run, is one of the main reasons for the development of chronic diseases.

Chronic diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, various neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular problems, etc.

Bulgur, as a whole grain product has antioxidant content, mostly phenolic, primarily gallic acid (up to 100mg in 180g dry bulgur!).

Bulgur is a source of fiber

Like all other whole grain products, bulgur is particularly rich in fiber (up to 5g per 100g).

How can regular intake of fiber through our diet help us?

They interfere with the work of digestive enzymes – which slows down digestion and thus avoids sugar spikes, and then suddenly falls that are risky for health, and leave us constantly hungry.

This reduces the glycemic index of the total food present in the digestion. For these reasons, foods such as bulgur are especially suitable for people suffering from diabetes.

Affect more successful satiety – in addition to regulating glucose (ensuring its gradual absorption into the bloodstream), fiber also acts on satiety by binding excess water in the stomach.

This means that they successfully help in the weight loss process. Improve digestive health – better intestinal peristalsis, reduced risk of the most common digestive diseases – diarrhea, constipation, disorders related to the beneficial intestinal microflora, inflammation, etc.

Research shows that increasing the amount of fiber in the body reduces the chances of developing colorectal cancer.

They are food for the beneficial intestinal microflora – health, ie the balance of intestinal microflora is an important prerequisite not only for the digestive but also for the overall health of man.

Research shows that in addition to fiber, bulgur has other components that can contribute to the balance in the human microbiome!

They can lower cholesterol levels – an important factor in heart health.

They have anti-inflammatory effects – more research has given us data to show that those people on a high-fiber diet have lower CRP or C-reactive protein values.

11 reasons why is bulgur wheat healthy

1. Improves digestion

Bulgur has a significantly higher amount of dietary fiber than many other kinds of cereal.

High levels of dietary fiber help stimulate digestion and prevent certain conditions, such as constipation, bloating, cramps, and difficulty emptying the bowels.

These dietary fibers also increase the efficiency of nutrient utilization by the digestive tract and regulate cholesterol levels by eliminating excess omega-6 fatty acids.

2. Bulgur controls diabetes

Because it contains more complex carbohydrates than other refined wheat grains, bulgur improves blood sugar control by optimally releasing insulin.

By doing so, bulgur prevents a sharp rise or fall in blood sugar levels, which can be dangerous for people suffering from diabetes.

3. Increases bone strength

A large number of minerals present in bulgur are important for improving bone strength.

As we age, our bone mineral density naturally decreases, so we need enough phosphorus, manganese, and iron to keep our bones healthy and prevent osteoporosis.

Because bulgur contains these minerals in high concentrations, this seed has a positive effect on bone strength.

4. The bulgur protects the heart

In addition to the effect that dietary fiber has on regulating cholesterol levels, bulgur seeds improve cardiovascular health in other ways.why is bulgur wheat healthy

Significant concentrations of potassium, a known vasodilator present in this seed, reduce the pressure through the blood vessels and arteries and thus lower the blood pressure.

5. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

A meta-study shows results that just 30g of whole grain food a day can reduce the risk of heart disease by nearly 1/4.

Similarly, another large-scale study that lasted 10 years and had over 17,000 volunteers, shows that those who ate most of their carbohydrates from whole grains had a 50% lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

One of the main reasons for this we mentioned earlier – fiber, but there are other useful nutrients (magnesium, vitamins).

An analysis of 6 studies with almost ¼ million respondents, showed that those who ate more whole grain foods had a 14% lower risk of heart attack, compared to a control group that generally consumed calories from refined sugars.

For people who are at high risk for cardiovascular disease, bulgur is a wise food choice that can regulate high blood pressure.

6. Better immunity with bulgur

The wide range of vitamins and minerals present in this seed, significantly affect the immune system.

Zinc is especially important, which improves immunity and strengthens the body's defenses. This mineral is present in significant concentrations in bulgur.

7. Improves circulation

Iron is a major mineral in our diet, as it has a major impact on our circulatory system.

Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, general weakness, disorientation, fatigue, and stomach upset.

A standard serving of bulgur wheat has about 15% of the daily requirement of this mineral.

8. Helps in weight loss

The low caloric value of this grain makes it ideal for people struggling with weight loss.

Due to the high content of dietary fiber, bulgur will not only make you feel full, and will protect you from overeating, it will also allow a small intake of fat and calories.

9. Prevents chronic diseases

Although cereals are not usually associated with high antioxidant potential, bulgur seeds are rich in antioxidants that help eliminate inflammation and reduce mutations in healthy cells.

10. The bulgur stimulates growth and development

Bulgur is an excellent source of protein, necessary for the normal growth and regeneration of tissues and organs.

If you are recovering from an injury or illness, a high protein intake is essential for a speedy recovery.

11. Improve sleep with a bulgur

High levels of magnesium in bulgur improve sleep, due to the effect that magnesium has on the production of certain neurotransmitters responsible for better sleep.

People suffering from insomnia and other sleep disorders need to include bulgur in their diet.why is bulgur wheat healthy

After a few weeks, they may notice a significant change in the quality of sleep and sleep.

Why bulgur is healthier than white pasta

Cereals have been the basis of human nutrition for thousands of years.

With the modernization of technologies, cereals and their products remain on the table, but more and more often in a different form – refined.

White bread, pastries, white pasta, etc. Why is it important to avoid white pasta, especially as a basis in our diet?

The so-called White products have a high glycemic index due to the removed husks and sprouts which, in addition to fiber, contain most of the minerals and vitamins of the respective cereal.

Thus, white flour does not provide us with enough micronutrients, on the one hand, and on the other, they are a real calorie bomb.

Instantly raises blood glucose levels, leading to starvation quickly after a meal.

All this increases the risk of obesity and inflammatory processes in the medium and long term, which increases the risk of developing some chronic diseases – diabetes, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular disorders.

The bulgur has a lower glycemic index, more fiber, minerals, vitamins, and is associated with a number of health benefits.

That's the reason we eat bulgur in our daily diet.

How to prepare bulgur

The bulgur tastes great and is easy to prepare. The grain is immersed in boiling water and left to soften well.

Pour one cup of bulgur with 2 cups of water. The better quality bulgur will soften in about 7 minutes, and the larger one in about 15 minutes.

Once soft, strain and simmer in water for about 2-5 minutes. Strain and you can make delicious dishes with it, such as pilaf, and it can be a great substitute for couscous.

It is used for soups, sauces, salads, and goes well with meat, seafood, and even fruit.


The bulgur is a great solution for everyone who wants to preserve their health. The composition of the bulgur is evidence of its benefits for improving our health.

It contains a wealth of complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and a range of very important micronutrients.

By consuming the bulgur we protect the heart, we get better immunity and circulation, our sleep will be much better, weight loss, and many other health benefits.

So eat bulgur, you can easily prepare it and enjoy it. Enjoy eating while knowing you are eating healthy and protecting your health and well-being.

Is Bulgur Wheat Good for Dieting
