Download Plugins and Themes from Dashboard plugin lets you download installed plugins and themes ZIP files directly from your admin dashboard without using FTP.

There are no required settings in plugin – after installation Download ZIP links will be automatically added to all:

  • plugins – to your Plugins > Installed Plugins menu, and
  • themes – to your Appearance > Themes menu.

Also there are Download all plugins and/or themes tools in "Settings > Download Plugins and Themes".

Additionally in "Settings > Download Plugins and Themes" you can set if you want to append version number to ZIP filename, and/or if you want main plugin's or theme's directory to be included in ZIP.

Advanced settings include selecting different ZIP libraries (ZipArchive or PclZip), and setting custom temporary directory on your server.

Pro version has option to set periodical plugins and/or themes downloads.


  • We are open to your suggestions and feedback. Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins!
  • Visit plugin site.
  1. Upload the entire plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress.
  3. "Download ZIP" links will be automatically added to all plugins to your "Plugins > Installed Plugins" menu and to all themes to your "Appearance > Themes" menu.

This plugin is just awesome. It does the job as stated in the tin! Kudos to the devs.

So many times I've been hired to debug a site, and I need the exact versions of the plugins on the client site, especially paid plugins. This makes it easy to just grab those without asking the client to learn how to download them, zip them up, and send them over. This plugin has saved me tons of time.

I had deleted a plugin that I bought and their website doesn't allow you to log in and download. But I did remember a website that had the plugin. Installed this plugin and downloaded the plugin I was needing in an instant. Well done!

Great job guys. Plugin just do it job and do it well. Thank you for it.

This plugin is a time saver in case you want to download a third-party huge plugin with thousands of files and directories. Thanks.

Read all 22 reviews

"Download Plugins and Themes from Dashboard" is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


  • WP Factory

1.8.1 – 17/11/2021

  • Dev – Add github deploy setup.
  • Tested up to: 5.8.

1.8.0 – 26/06/2021

  • Fix – Checking for the activated Pro plugin version correctly now.
  • Dev – "Send file" headers updated.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • Description in readme.txt updated.

1.7.2 – 04/06/2021

  • Tested up to: 5.7.
  • Plugin author updated.

1.7.1 – 15/02/2021

  • Dev – JS file minified.
  • Dev – Localization – load_plugin_textdomain() moved to the init hook.
  • Tested up to: 5.6.

1.7.0 – 20/03/2020

  • Dev – Better system temp directory retrieving algorithm: checking upload_tmp_dir, wp_upload_dir() and open_basedir now (if the default sys_get_temp_dir() is not writable).
  • Dev – Admin settings descriptions updated.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • Tested up to: 5.3.

1.6.0 – 30/09/2019

  • Fix – Settings – Security – Checking for user capability and nonce. Sanitizing and escaping data.
  • Dev – Settings – "increase your WP memory limits" link updated.

1.5.0 – 23/07/2019

  • Fix – "Single File" plugins download fixed (except in "Periodical" downloads).
  • Fix – "Must-Use" and "Drop-in" plugins support added (except in "Periodical" and "All" downloads).

1.4.3 – 08/07/2019

  • Dev – Advanced Settings – "Temporary directory" option added.
  • Tested up to: 5.2.

1.4.2 – 19/04/2019

  • Dev – "Tested up to" updated.

1.4.1 – 09/12/2018

  • Dev – Advanced Settings – "ZIP library" option added.
  • Dev – More info added in create_zip() error message.

1.4.0 – 27/09/2018

  • Dev – "Download all" plugins/themes tools added.
  • Dev – Checking for zlib extension availability.
  • Dev – Checking system requirements only when download link is clicked.
  • Dev – Deleting zip file (if exists) before creating new one.
  • Dev – Pro version link (and "Periodical Downloads" section) added.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.

1.3.0 – 18/03/2018

  • Dev – PclZip fallback zip archivation library added.
  • Dev – "Settings" action link added.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • Dev – "Requires PHP" added to readme.txt.

1.2.0 – 11/06/2017

  • Dev – "Add main directory to ZIP" options added.
  • Dev – "Append version number to ZIP filename" options added.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.

1.1.3 – 09/06/2017

  • Dev – Zip files deletion from temporary folder after successful download added.

1.1.2 – 25/03/2017

  • Fix – load_plugin_textdomain moved from init hook to constructor.
  • Dev – System requirements error message updated.
  • Dev – Language (POT) file updated.
  • Dev – Plugin header info ("Text Domain" etc.) updated.
  • Dev – Donate link updated.

1.1.1 – 10/11/2016

  • Fix – For portability now only forward slashes (/) are used as directory separator in ZIP filenames.

1.1.0 – 05/10/2016

  • Dev – Themes download functionality added (and plugin renamed).
  • Dev – Plugins download action moved to from plugins_loaded to admin_init hook.
  • Dev – More validation added to plugins download action.
  • Dev – Using single plugin_action_links hook to add download action links, instead of using separate hook for each plugin.
  • Dev – Checking for ZipArchive and RecursiveIteratorIterator classes to exist.
  • Dev – Language (POT) file added.
  • Dev – Screenshots added.
  • Dev – Icons and banners added.

1.0.0 – 28/09/2016

  • Initial Release.